Thursday, May 20, 2010

While research this topic I kept wondering why we don't hear more about deaf players in the news. Is it because they don't want to be treated any differently, are they ashamed of it. I would truly hope not. I think that being deaf and an athlete of any of type of something to be proud of. Being an athlete in general is tuff, not to mention to add anything on to it.

I wanted to see a list of all famous deaf athlete's to see what accomplishment their has been and sadly i could not find a single list out there. The deaf community has shaped and changed allot of the sports we enjoy today.

I truly look forward to following Ryan's career and hope that in fact he does make it to the NFL, not because he is deaf but because he is a good linebacker and deserves the chance to go as far as he wants to go.

I encourage everyone to check out this page, the information you can get about the deaf culture is amazing,

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